
2023-12-10 03:50:44 数码极客 bianji01



1.在那办公室里电脑面前有一群程序员,他们沉默又腼腆,他们聪明但没钱。他们一天到晚辛辛苦苦拼命写软件,如果累了就咬倒在沙发上睡!哦苦命的程序员,哦苦命的程序员,只要老板不满意他们就要重新搞一遍,但是期限只剩下最后的一天。2.在你的数据库里添些快乐的元素,给你的符号栏里加些如意字符,为你的人生下载好运软件,在你的心间上传幸福无限,程序员节,愿你笑口常开,日子甜甜。3.一个键盘一根网线你便能打下一片天下,几个字母一些数字你便能创造辉煌人生,一个指令一次回车你便能成就世界,程序员节到了,复制一份快乐给你,粘贴一堆幸福送你,保存一世如意给你,愿你开心永在。4.一台电脑,一个键盘,尽情挥洒智慧的人生;几行数字,几个字母,认真编写生活的美好;一个灵感,一段程序,推动科技进步,促进社会发展。程序员节,用心编写程序,用智慧照亮人生!5.“咳嗽、贫穷和爱”,无法编程,不能隐瞒,你想隐瞒,却欲盖弥彰;“身体、金钱和爱”,无法编程,不能挥霍,你想挥霍,却得不偿失;“生命、时间和爱”,无法编程,不能挽留,你想挽留,却渐行渐远;程序员节,愿你把“珍惜、呵护和爱”编入人生程序,幸福快乐就会永远把你伴随!6.点击开快乐的界面,编写下幸福的程序,好运就在你运算的脑海里,成功就在你敲击的双手中。程序员节,我把祝福编辑,愿你把吉祥安康永远保存!7.冷静的思维,点亮智慧的殿堂;抽象的理念,交汇灵感的火花;平凡的字符,串起别样的精彩;细腻的语言,盘活冰冷的.程序;非凡的才华,开启幸福的天地。程序员节,愿你开怀,收获精彩!8.在你的程序里,快乐无需编译,幸福自会运行;美丽没有指令,人生也会计算;心情不必升级,自由自会扩展。程序员节,你的幸福数据在加载!9.你很少用鼠标,你都是直接输入指令。你很少用五笔,你从来都是字母加数字。你敲键盘就像弹钢琴,行云流水一般,最后的回车将美好的创意上传。你不需要世人理解,你庞大的程序,在凡夫俗子看来只是鼠标一点。你享受寂寞,欣赏繁琐,专门纠错,只为了大家简单快乐的生活。你辛苦了,程序员节快乐!10.请用真情研制一个爱心程序,让世界温暖长存;请用智慧设计一个和平程序,让人间充满安宁;请用勤劳开发一个医学程序,让人们无病缠身;程序员日,愿所有程序员们工作顺心,快乐开心!11.一条网线连接四面八方,敲打键盘帅气的模样,“蜗居”生活胸怀天下,编一套快乐的程序,让世界欢畅,程序员日愿程序员朋友好好休息,身体健康,“不着病毒”,祝福你们明天再次创造辉煌。12.你从不玩游戏,你只编写游戏程序。你很少用QQ,你可以在网络的任一角落留言,只要你愿意。你很枯燥,但从不无聊。你娱乐很少,但却常常微笑。你醉心于脑力的激荡,你是网络的源代码,你是人类创意的奇葩。程序员节,祝你健康并快乐着!在程序员节给各位发送程序员兄弟姐妹的祝福语句子 (12句)1.深度的思考,让灵感突发;细致的观察,让智慧闪光;跳动的字符,让程序鲜活;有序的排列,让效率提高;不断的改善,让价值突显;不断的编撰,让生命精彩。【程序员节的温馨祝福语短信】文章程序员节的温馨祝福语短信出自,。程序员节,愿你编出幸福程序,永远开心。2.有个小伙子在办公楼里吸烟,值班人员对他说:“你没有注意到墙上的那个警告(waRninG)吗?”小伙子说:“没事儿,我是程序员。”值班人员纳闷:“那又怎样?”小伙子说:“我们从来不关心waRninG,只关心ERRoR。”3.你有魔幻手指,化符号为神奇;你有抽象思维,让数字更精准;你有深邃智慧,把未来染光辉。程序员节,键盘敲得生活精彩绝美,鼠标点得日子花开富贵。4.医院里的医生可以为人类减少病疾,电器维修人员可以让失灵的机器继续运行,程序员可以用命令将危害网络的病毒清除,你就是程序医生,程序员日到了,请不要为了程序无毒,忽视了自己身体的健康,愿你生活的每一天都多姿多彩。5.机器冰冷无情伴,日以继夜写数据,生活完浸代码中,创新奋进出成绩,一声问候辛苦了,注意身体要快乐。朋友,程序员节快乐!6.一条网线连接四面八方,敲打键盘帅气的模样,“蜗居”生活胸怀天下,编一套快乐的程序,让世界欢畅,程序员日愿程序员朋友好好休息,身体健康,“不着病毒”,祝福你们明天再次创造辉煌。7.深度的思考,让灵感突发;细致的观察,让智慧闪光;跳动的字符,让程序鲜活;有序的排列,让效率提高;不断的改善,让价值突显;不断的编撰,让生命精彩。程序员节,愿你编出幸福程序,永远开心!8.编一个烦恼删除程序,愿你每天快乐展笑容;写一个好运在手指令,愿你万事顺利圆美梦;敲一段健康平安代码,愿你保重身体攀高峰。程序员节,送一句祝福密码,愿你无忧无虑向前冲!9.你们的工作枯燥,却将最绚丽的美景创造;你们默默无闻,却让世界变的美好;你们手里的鼠标,把多少先进的程序制造;你们面前的电脑,让科技的力量在世界上狂飙。程序员节,感谢你们让我们的生活美好,祝你们身体健康、心想事成、青春常在、容颜不老!10.点击开快乐的界面,编写下幸福的程序,好运就在你运算的脑海里,成功就在你敲击的双手中。程序员节,我把祝福编辑,愿你把吉祥安康永远保存!11.每天冒着微软的炮火,在0和1之间不停穿梭;打键盘击鼠标真是忘我,不知不觉错过约会;你的作息时间像在美国,可你从来没去过纽约;在那没有里程碑的路上,你苦苦地颠簸,只为早日点燃中国iT的熊熊烈火;巨人肩膀上面你苦苦地探索,一切都是为了中国的iT产业。伟大的朋友,愿你程序员节快乐,我为你骄傲!12.冷静的思维,点亮智慧的殿堂;抽象的理念,交汇灵感的火花;平凡的字符,串起别样的精彩;细腻的语言,盘活冰冷的.程序;非凡的才华,开启幸福的天地。程序员节,愿你开怀,收获精彩!在1024程序员节给程序员送的贴心祝福语句子1.程序员节至,快乐如期而至,幸福无所不至,好运关怀备至,财富蜂拥而至,如意纷沓而至,事业名归实至。所有美好程序顺利完美,祝福你的生活幸福快乐、至善至美!2.你头脑的聪明,破译快乐的密码轻轻松松;你手指的灵动,编辑幸福的程序从从容容;你心思的细腻,输入如意的语言冷冷静静,网络你最精通,你伟大的工程,有着其他工作不一样的光荣,程序员节,祝愿程序员朋友,节日快乐,心想事成!3.你把抽象符号变成快乐笑容,你把简单代码变出复杂意义,你演绎枯燥变情趣的游戏,你把辛苦留下捧出生活的神奇。程序员节日里,祝福程序员被幸福刷屏,被快乐链接。4.请用真情研制一个爱心程序,让世界温暖长存;请用智慧设计一个和平程序,让人间充满安宁;请用勤劳开发一个医学程序,让人们无病缠身;程序员日,愿所有程序员们工作顺心,快乐开心!5.人类因为有思想,所以是万物之灵。电脑因为有程序,所以能改变万物。你是电脑的灵魂,你是人类的精英,你不索求着什么,你只想改变着什么,你一桶泡面一杯水,偶尔抽烟喝咖啡。你吃的是面,挤出来的是程序。你喝的是水,改变的却是全人类。程序员节,只想祝你快乐!6.你的软件是智商,你的硬件是健康。程序员节到了,辛苦的程序员朋友,愿你高智商,体格棒,工作一定要适量,按时休息不能忘,保持身心要舒爽,坚决不要亚健康。最后,祝你事业铸辉煌,前途光明亮。7.敏锐的观察发现程序的漏洞,跳动的思维迸出灵感的火花,冷静的头脑编写完美的代码,缜密的思考锻造安全的程序,精准的判断展现惊人的才华,不懈的坚持取得巨大的成功。程序员节,用智慧编写美好人生!8.医院里的医生可以为人类减少病疾,电器维修人员可以让失灵的机器继续运行,程序员可以用命令将危害网络的病毒清除,你就是程序医生,程序员日到了,请不要为了程序无毒,忽视了自己身体的健康,愿你生活的每一天都多姿多彩。9.你从来不以量取胜,创意是你的生命。你一杯咖啡一包烟,你简洁的只有电脑。一根网线,成就一个世界。你纵横八荒,编程于破屋之中,诛杀于千里之外。你归隐闹市,穿梭于路人之中,徜徉于芸芸众生。世界因创新而美好,你就是创意的天使。我的天使,程序员节快乐!10.程序员朋友在奔忙,“蜗居”胸怀全天下,崭新生活你创造,“地球村”连接你我他。程序要运行,系统要健康,网线要畅通,没电全白搭,程序员节祝福你身体健康笑口常开,多研发几个新程序。11.写字楼里写字间,写字间中程序员;程序人员写程序,又将程序换酒钱;酒醒只在屏前坐,酒醉还来屏下眠;酒醉酒醒日复日,屏前屏下年复年;奔驰宝马贵者趣,公交自行程序员;但见满街漂亮妹,哪个归得程序员!程序员节又来临,你还作战程序界,愿你事业有成心情好,休息一下把节过!12.编写一段程序,让“蛟龙”探海;编写一段程序,让“神九”上天;编写一段程序,让世界有爱;编写一段程序,让世人平安。你们用知识编写未来,你们用科技造福人类,你们让社会不断进步!程序员节,愿你们再接再厉,用灵巧的双手编写美好的生活!在程序员节这天给程序员送上真挚的祝福语句1.设立程序员节要归功于一名在并行技术网页设计公司工作的职工——Valentin Balt。2002年,他收集签名向俄罗斯联邦政府请愿,请求将这一天定为程序员节。2009年7月24日,俄罗斯联邦通信与大众传媒部提出了新的节日安排方案,设立程序员节。9月11日,俄罗斯总统梅德韦杰夫签署了这个法案,也就成为了俄罗斯的一个官方节日!2.幸福程序你会编写,快乐描绘在生活里;烦恼程序你会删除,心情保持时刻美丽;忧伤程序你会卸载,生活保持顺顺利利;幸福程序员就是你,在这属于你的节日里,愿你好运一直运行下去,生活事业都如意!3.程序员朋友,在这个自己的节日里请写一段特殊的程序:输入愉悦语言,编译动人字句,插入美丽模块,运行逗乐过程,压缩烦闷心理,中断暴燥情绪,发布幸福代码,执行循环开心。4.一个键盘一根网线你便能打下一片天下,几个字母一些数字你便能创造辉煌人生,一个指令一次回车你便能成就世界,程序员节到了,复制一份快乐给你,粘贴一堆幸福送你,保存一世如意给你,愿你开心永在。5.几个简单的字符,你就能创造出欢乐,几个简单的号码,你便能写出奇迹,一个键盘,你就能畅游世界,一根网线,你便能知晓天下,程序员日,程序员你辛苦了,愿你节日快乐!6.键盘奏响华丽的乐章,软件编辑未来的梦想,屏幕闪烁快乐的脸庞,鼠标点击人生的辉煌。程序员节,愿你储存好运,粘贴成功,运算出幸福安康!7.碰擦灵感的火花,放飞五彩的思绪;投入全部的身心,开启智慧的大门;敲击熟悉的键盘,点击快乐的鼠标;汇成开心的格式,出炉美妙的程序。程序员节,愿你拥有大智慧,不断编写精彩,缔造辉煌!8.每天冒着微软的炮火,在0和1之间不停穿梭;打键盘击鼠标真是忘我,不知不觉错过约会;你的作息时间像在美国,可你从来没去过纽约;在那没有里程碑的路上,你苦苦地颠簸,只为早日点燃中国iT的熊熊烈火;巨人肩膀上面你苦苦地探索,一切都是为了中国的iT产业。伟大的朋友,愿你程序员节快乐,我为你骄傲!9.程序员节,源于俄罗斯的官方节日,日期是每年的第256天。程序员节短信,送给专属于程序员的祝福问候!10.你是一位音乐家,谱写出一曲曲美妙动听的华丽乐章。你就是一位钢琴师,弹奏出一首首感人肺腑的天籁之音。你更是一位指挥家,调动着107人的一个交响乐团的庞大体系。程序员节祝你:编排出更多更好更科学,更先进的软件为人类服务。11.用灵感触摸字符,用智慧点亮生活;用电脑敲击人生,用鼠标标出幸福;用程序抒写奇迹,用逻辑编撰未来;用冷静判别是非,用客观展现因果;用命令开启精彩,用效率实现价值。程序员节,愿你不断超越自我,不断缔造辉煌!12.医院里的医生可以为人类减少病疾,电器维修人员可以让失灵的机器继续运行,程序员可以用命令将危害网络的病毒清除,你就是程序医生,程序员日到了,请不要为了程序无毒,忽视了自己身体的健康,愿你生活的每一天都多姿多彩。


One mans constant is another mans variable.Functions delay binding: data structures induce binding. Moral: Structure data late in the programming process.Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semi-colons.Every program is a part of some other program and rarely fits.If a program manipulates a large amount of data, it does so in a small number of ways.Symmetry is a complexity reducing concept (co-routines include sub-routines); seek it everywhere.It is easier to write an incorrect program than understand a correct one.A programming language is low level when its programs require attention to the irrelevant.It is better to have 100 functions operate on one data structure than 10 functions on 10 data structures.into a rut early: Do the same processes the same way. Accumulateidioms. Standardize. The only difference (!) between Shakespeare and youwas the size of his idiom list - not the size of his vocabulary.If you have a procedure with 10 parameters, you probably missed some.Recursion is the root of computation since it trades description for time.If two people write exactly the same program, each should be put in micro-code and then they certainly wont be the same.In the long run every program becomes rococo - then rubble.Everything should be built top-down, except the first time.Every program has (at least) two purposes: the one for which it was written and another for which it wasnt.If a listener nods his head when youre explaining your program, wake him up.A program without a loop and a structured variable isnt worth writing.A language that doesnt affect the way you think about programming, is not worth knowing.Whereverthere is modularity there is the potential for misunderstanding: Hidinginformation implies a need to check communication.Optimization hinders evolution.A good system cant have a weak command language.To understand a program you must become both the machine and the program.Perhaps if we wrote programs from childhood on, as adults wed be able to read them.can only display complex information in the mind. Like seeing, movementor flow or alteration of view is more important than the staticpicture, no matter how lovely.There will always be things we wish to say in our programs that in all known languages can only be said poorly.Once you understand how to write a program get someone else to write it.computers it is difficult to find the correct unit of time to measureprogress. Some cathedrals took a century to complete. Can you imAGInethe grandeur and scope of a program that would take as long?systems, the analogue of a face-lift is to add to the control graph anedge that creates a cycle, not just an additional node.In programming, everything we do is a special case of something more general - and often we know it too quickly.Simplicity does not precede complexity, but follows it.Programmers are not to be measured by their ingenuity and their logic but by the completeness of their case analysis.The 11th commandment was "Thou Shalt Compute" or "Thou Shalt Not Compute" - I forget which.string is a stark data structure and everywhere it is passed there ismuch duplication of process. It is a perfect vehicle for hidinginformation.Everyone can be taught to sculpt: Michelangelo would have had to be taught how not to. So it is with the great programmers.use of a program to prove the 4-color theorem will not changemathematics - it merely demonstrates that the theorem, a challenge for acentury, is probably not important to mathematics.most important computer is the one that rages in our skulls and everseeks that satisfactory external emulator. The standardization of realcomputers would be a disaster - and so it probably wont happen.Structured Programming supports the law of the excluded muddle.graphics: A picture is worth 10K words - but only those to describe thepicture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described withpictures.There are two ways to write error-free programs; only the third one works.Some programming languages manage to absorb change, but withstand progress.You can measure a programmers perspective by noting his attitude on the continuing vitality of FORTRAN.In software systems it is often the early bird that makes the worm.Sometimes I think the only universal in the computing field is the fetch-execute-cycle.The goal of computation is the emulation of our synthetic abilities, not the understanding of our analytic ones.Like punning, programming is a play on words.As Will Rogers would have said, "There is no such thing as a free variable."best book on programming for the layman is "Alice in Wonderland"; butthats because its the best book on anything for the layman.up on assembly language was the apple in our Garden of Eden: Languageswhose use squanders machine cycles are sinful. The LISP machine nowpermits LISP programmers to abandon bra and fig-leaf.When we understand knowledge-based systems, it will be as before - except our finger-tips will have been singed.Bringing computers into the home wont change either one, but may revitalize the corner saloon.Systems have sub-systems and sub-systems have sub-systems and so on ad infinitum - which is why were always starting over.So many good ideas are never heard from again once they embark in a voyage on the semantic gulf.Beware of the Turing tar-pit in which everything is possible but nothing of interest is easy.A LISP programmer knows the value of everything, but the cost of nothing.Software is under a constant tension. Being symbolic it is arbitrarily perfectible; but also it is arbitrarily changeable.It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.Fools ignore complexity. Pragmatists suffer it. Some can avoid it. Geniuses remove it.In English every word can be verbed. Would that it were so in our programming languages.Dana Scott is the Church of the Lattice-Way Saints.In programming, as in everything else, to be in error is to be reborn.In computing, invariants are ephemeral.When we write programs that "learn", it turns out we do and they dont.Often it is means that justify ends: Goals advance technique and technique survives even when goal structures crumble.no mistake about it: Computers process numbers - not symbols. Wemeasure our understanding (and control) by the extent to which we canarithmetize an activity.Making something variable is easy. Controlling duration of constancy is the trick.Think of all the psychic energy expended in seeking a fundamental distinction between "algorithm" and "program".we believe in data structures, we must believe in independent (hencesimultaneous) processing. For why else would we collect items within astructure? Why do we tolerate languages that give us the one without theIn a 5 year period we get one superb programming language. Only we cant control when the 5 year period will begin.the centuries the Indians developed sign language for communicatingphenomena of interest. Programmers from different tribes (FORTRAN, LISP,ALGOL, SNOBOL, etc.) could use one that doesnt require them to carry ablackboard on their ponies.Documentation is like term insurance: It satisfies because almost no one who subscribes to it depends on its benefits.An adequate bootstrap is a contradiction in terms.is not a languages weaknesses but its strengths that control thegradient of its change: Alas, a language never escapes its embryonicIt is possible that software is not like anythingelse, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is toalways see it as soap bubble?Because of its vitality, the computing field is always in desperate need of new cliches: Banality soothes our nerves.It is the user who should parameterize procedures, not their creators.cybernetic exchange between man, computer and algorithm is like a gameof musical chairs: The frantic search for balance always leaves one ofthe three standing ill at ease.
