莫纳什大学Monash College Diploma快捷课程
莫纳什大学(Monash University),世界百强名校,澳大利亚顶尖学府,澳大利亚常春藤名校联盟“八大名校”(Group of Eight)之一,澳大利亚五星级大学。接下来我为你我技术莫纳什大学Monash College Diploma快捷课程莫纳什大学Monash College Diploma快捷课程介绍学生评价介绍:怎样从快捷课程直接升入莫纳什大学信息技术本科二年级?来自中国广州的王同学和大家分享他的莫纳什留学之旅:1. 请先介绍一下你自己我是王#,来自中国广州。目前我正在入读莫纳什工程学快捷课程第二期,主修方向是信息技术。2. 你为什么选择莫纳什学院?在所有学校中选择莫纳什是因为我看中了蒙纳士的领导力、自主学习模式以及团队合作氛围。我有机会和导师分享自己的观点,和来自世界各地的同学一起解决学习中的问题,还能够获得许多新信息及新知识的渠道,这都是莫纳什大学这所全球百强学校给予我的。3. 你喜欢莫纳什的哪些部分?我非常喜欢莫纳什的校园,尤其是Clayton校区,它很好融合了文化与科技。从我第一次进入校区,我便被浓浓的学术氛围给吸引,Clayton校区还配备了新最先进的科研设备。我也非常喜欢我的老师们。他们热情,智慧,并愿意随时为学生提供学术上的帮助。学院还经常举办各类有趣的活动,让我们在课余放松一下,结识更多的朋友。4. 莫纳什对你意味着什么?莫纳什意味着勤奋,成功和美好的未来!在蒙纳士的每个人都非常努力,雄心勃勃,这感染着我也朝着自己的目标努力!莫纳什大学Monash College Diploma快捷课程学生评价学生评价介绍:怎样从快捷课程直接升入莫纳什大学信息技术本科二年级?来自中国广州的王同学和大家分享他的莫纳什留学之旅:1. 请先介绍一下你自己我是王#,来自中国广州。目前我正在入读莫纳什工程学快捷课程第二期,主修方向是信息技术。2. 你为什么选择莫纳什学院?在所有学校中选择莫纳什是因为我看中了蒙纳士的领导力、自主学习模式以及团队合作氛围。我有机会和导师分享自己的观点,和来自世界各地的同学一起解决学习中的问题,还能够获得许多新信息及新知识的渠道,这都是莫纳什大学这所全球百强学校给予我的。3. 你喜欢莫纳什的哪些部分?我非常喜欢莫纳什的校园,尤其是Clayton校区,它很好融合了文化与科技。从我第一次进入校区,我便被浓浓的学术氛围给吸引,Clayton校区还配备了新最先进的科研设备。我也非常喜欢我的老师们。他们热情,智慧,并愿意随时为学生提供学术上的帮助。学院还经常举办各类有趣的活动,让我们在课余放松一下,结识更多的朋友。4. 莫纳什对你意味着什么?莫纳什意味着勤奋,成功和美好的未来!在蒙纳士的每个人都非常努力,雄心勃勃,这感染着我也朝着自己的目标努力!工程学(信息技术方向)快捷课程英语要求:雅思 - 均分6(写作不低于6)托福机考 - 69(写作21 +)莫纳什英语衔接课程:通过10或15周语言课程先决条件:英语和数学(澳大利亚学制12年级或同等水平)学术入学要求:澳大利亚12年级ATAR:65%中国高三成绩均分:75%IB:24开学时间:2月,6月,10月课程结构:辅导班,讲座,实践课快捷课程专业选择除了工程学(信息技术方向)快捷课程外,还有其他5个快捷课程专业也可直接升入本科二年级,包括:艺术设计与建筑设计同样都是顺利完成快捷课程第二期,同学们能直升蒙纳士大学本科二年级。
信息技术硕士(master of information tEChnology)一直都是澳洲留学生选择的热门专业之一,也常年在澳洲紧缺移民职业之列。就业率高,起薪高,移民便捷是澳洲it类毕业生的三大优势。莫纳什是澳洲5星大学,澳洲八大之一,澳洲八大只有monash有专门it系的学校,信息技术专业也理所当然地为其优势专业之一,再就是信息技术专业的排名,莫纳什世界qs排名在51-100之间,可见学校的实力还是非常强的;莫纳什大学信息技术硕士课程涉及应用程序和系统分析的一系列知识,需学习课程有:编程、计算机技术、数据技术和系统分析设计以及一系列数据通讯与网络技术选修课程。除了这些还能学习应用信息技术案例。课程覆盖面非常广,涉及了信息技术设计、创建和执行的所有阶段~
20, atar equivalent 82.75the 3-year bcst provides an education to prepare proFessionals who can operate at the cutting edge of information technology.information systems involves creating computer systems which satisfy individual and organisational needs. rather than being about developing and enhancing the performance of computers: 81. within the structure of our degrees, students are encouraged to explore their interests, by enrolling in units from a range of other disciplines such as psychology, languages. an additional honours year is available to eligible students. this can give domain-specific knowledge useful to the application of information technologies in that area我去悉尼大学的网站给你找来了undergraduate degree programsthe university of sydney provides several different degree structures for students interested in focusing on information technology. this stream will appeal to more technically-minded students who wish to contribute to the future development and support of technology: 95.more information on the bachelor of information technology ?.other degreesyou can study it across a wide variety of degrees, including:bachelor of engineering (software)2009 uai 85.45, , atar equivalent 86.65in this four year degree, areas of study include programming and languages, data structures, algorithms and databases, data-centric computing, operating systems software project management. a key feature of this program is that students can begin specialising in year two by selecting software engineering electives in many different areas, including: business software, systems and hardware, computer aided design, multimedia and biological information.more information on the bachelor of engineering (software) ?bachelor of science2009 uai 83.00, atar equivalent 84.40bachelor of science (advanced) 2009 uai 95.00, atar equivalent 95.40the bsc and bsc (advanced) are 3-year degrees that require depth of study in one or two science subject areas; these might include one or more it-related ones. the degree also requires some study of mathematics. computer science and information systems majors are available in the bsc and bsc (advanced).more information on the bachelor of science ?more information on the bachelor of science (advanced) ?应该不需要我翻译吧?建议你读莫纳什,因为悉尼别的不说,生活费用太太太高了。。。。莫纳什也很不错的,而且因为它很年轻,才建校50年,设备都比较新。我看过悉尼大学的校园,看上去非常古香古色,实用性估计不咋样吧。。。。毕竟观看历史和住在历史中感觉完全不一样的。.20this 4-year degree has been designed to produce high-quality graduates for leadership roles in the it industry. the degree will meet the demands of students who perform exceptionally well in the nsw hsc (or equivalent) and the demands of the it industry itself for capable, multi-skilled graduates.computer science involves the study of computers and the programs that run on computers.more information on the bachelor of computer science and technology (advanced) ?, information systems is about making computer systems work for people. an additional honours year is available to eligible students.05, atar equivalent 95.45the bcst (advanced) is a more challenging variant of the bcst and is suitable for applicants who have substantial programming experience and aptitude and/or a high uai. the degree has the same flexible structure as the bcst, except that students take a significant amount of their study in ‘advanced’ units.more information on the bachelor of computer science and technology ?bachelor of computer science and technology (advanced)2009 uai. the bit has been developed in extensive consultation with industry to ensure graduates are equipped for the changes demanded in this dynamic area. within the degree students have considerable flexibility in choice of subjects, and the opportunity to undertake a major research project in their final year;bachelor of computer science and technology2009 uai, biology, philosophy, geography or commerce.bachelor of information technology2009 uai: 94.80;streamsour programs offer streams (majors) in computer science or information systems, atar equivalent 95, where more sophisticated and challenging topics and approaches are covered